Environmental Liberation for Black Climate Justice


Earth Rising is proud to support Generation Green’s Environmental Liberation (EL) Room – a virtual learning series designed to introduce Generation Green’s EL curriculum to the Afrikan diaspora as part of an effort to build an ideology for Black climate and social justice work. 

Environmental Liberation, a term coined by Generation Green co-founder Ayana Albertini-Fleurant, is an Afrocentric framework that critically analyzes the injustices in the environment(s) of the Black experience stemming from colonialism, racial capitalism, and white supremacy. To help expand the EL framework into a far-reaching movement toward a decolonized, regenerative, and autonomous future, Generation Green’s team has developed an accompanying curriculum that structures the EL Room series. 

To launch the EL Room, Generation Green held three interactive live-learning sessions between November and December 2021 via Zoom. Featuring presentations from Dr. Michelle Dovil, Tawndalaya DaRoza-Cesar, Celine Isimbi, La’Meisha Whittington, and Generation Green’s team member Jaylin Ward – environmental justice leaders from across North America - these inaugural sessions fostered a community-centered, interactive learning experience as attendees and presenters explored the EL ideology together and learned from one another’s visions and lived experiences. Conversations in the sessions explored what EL could look like in theory and application.

The Generation Green team will continue to grow and adapt the EL Room in the coming year by evolving the series from live Zoom calls to pre-produced video content available on Youtube and Kannu. Community interaction and group learning will remain a central component of the series, with future installments to feature further collaborative learning spaces and increased time for Q&A segments.

We look forward to hearing more about this visionary series and are grateful for Generation Green’s important work in bringing these ideas to life. More information on EL can be found on Generation Green’s website.