Regenerative Agriculture in Burkina Faso


We at Earth Rising Foundation are proud to support the crucial work of Farm Sahel. Farm Sahel teaches regenerative agriculture to smallholder subsistence women farmers in Burkina Faso. They supply women farmers with agricultural input to help transform non-renewable agriculture into regenerative permaculture systems and enable higher growth yields through social equality.  Their goal is to achieve economic freedom through sustainable permaculture for Sahel communities by improving food security and soil fertility with an emphasis on community based, participatory methods. 

Recently, FarmSahel worked with 489 women farmers to build agricultural capacity, improve soil health and increase agricultural yields. This was done through the implementation of two model farms, intensive leadership trainings and educational programs on compost and organic insect repellent production.

FarmSahel’s work had a remarkable impact not just on the sustainability of these agricultural endeavors but also in ensuring the economic prosperity of women farmers. In all, they saw an average increase in agricultural yield of 40%, the production of 88 tons of solid compost and the planting of 250 trees with a 95% survival rate. 

Finally, FarmSahel’s work goes beyond the impressive 489 women farmers they directly trained. It was also reported that 80% of women passed on their new knowledge to their husbands. This suggests the impact of FarmSahel’s work will continue to be seen in these communities for years to come as this knowledge is shared and built upon. 

We are so happy to fund such impactful, effective projects. To learn more about FarmSahel’s important work visit their website: