Climate Education in Cameroon


We are happy to have been able to support Green Space Academy (GSA) – a youth environmental education program implemented by CAED Africa in Cameroon.

Green Space Academy’s curriculum empowers young people without prior sustainability education to become environmental leaders. GSA trains youth ages 13 - 25 in topics including regenerative gardening, biodiversity, and climate action. 

GSA’s impact has been far-reaching: CAED Africa has trained over 1,764 and reached over 8,934 young people, with 80% of programming dedicated to engaging youth in marginalized communities. 

After learning environmental foundations in lectures, GSA participants put these teachings into practice in hands-on initiatives. GSA youth have planted over 300 fruit trees at local schools, which both fight climate change and promote the physical and mental wellbeing of students. GSA has trained over 150 young people in regenerative urban gardening, and over 40% of participants have started gardens at home. These gardens support soil health and food equity in communities where high-quality, organic produce is inaccessible to many families.

Needless to say, participants have found these opportunities impactful: “I have learned many things from the Green Space Academy. I have never thought about planting trees or engaging in regenerative gardening. But through this program, I have learned about the importance of trees to the environment. I will use the knowledge to teach others about climate change, plant fruit trees, and set up a garden in my house.” – Berinyuy, age 24 

To learn more about the work GSA is doing to build thriving communities across Cameroon, please visit We look forward to seeing this work continue to flourish! 

Youth ActivismPolly Cancro